Monday 17 February 2014


Friday was Valentines Day! We enjoyed spending time together, although it was not really romantical (we watched a documentary about Mitt Romney!) it was nice to chill and eat Chinese food - after 5 days of trying the Atkins diet...oops!

On Saturday Ric was feeling very inspired by the Winter Olympics, esp after our Brit won a gold medal in the Skeleton - Go Lizzy!!! So we visited the Chill Factore.

We are searching for a unique sport to get Wilson into so that he can one day compete in an Olympic Games. I say unique as it gives him a better chance of being selected, but for a 2 year old, he is a really fast runner so who knows, he could actually be the next Usain Bolt!

We then ate pizza, ice cream and Krispy Kreme donuts like total fatties and loved it!

This photo sums up Wilson!

We then went home and I made a yummy steak dinner. 

Today we went to Church, the sun shone and it was beautiful. We all had a nap. I tried to make bread and failed. We took a stroll to the park and did bedtime.

It was all good :)

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Party with Prince George?

My daughter Elle was born on the same day as the Royal Baby, Prince George! 
As a little gift we received a lucky silver penny from the Royal Mint as a beautiful keepsake. 

I have been thinking and hoping and then wondering how I can make it happen - how fun would it be if Wils and Kate invited all the babies born on the same day as George to celebrate their first birthday together??

I think it would be fantastic - does anyone know how I can make the suggestion to the royal?

I'll work on that, for now here is my 'Royal Hare to the Throne' (i love joules!!)

(Who did not enjoy the photoshoot before bedtime!)

Jade x

Monday 3 February 2014

February Visiting Teaching Message

My lovely friend, Lucy at Lucy Kim Likes creates beautiful Visiting Teaching Handouts. I love the one she has created this month and it is perfect for me to use for one of the Sisters that my companion and I visit.
With that inspiration, I created my own little hand out based upon the message for another Sister we visit, she is so faithful and dedicated to the Gospel and yet all of her children have fallen away from the Church and living the kind of life I know she would love for them to lead.
I wanted to give her a little comfort and let her know that she inspires me and I know that there is still hope and Heavenly Father really loves her.

My nan is such a lovely lady and she has always remained faithful to God, yet out of her 6 children only my Mum attends Church, but my nan never gives up or complains, I know she will be blessed for her efforts and example.

Thank you to these wonderful women in my life who show me how to be like Jesus Christ and to never lose faith!