Friday 7 March 2014

We almost lost him

Tonight I was playing 'go go' with Wilson in the dining room, he loves to run around having us chase him and change directions. He had just changed direction and fell into the wall. I ran over to him after he screamed and his face seemed to be stuck in an expression of pain, and he wasn't breathing. He has done this a few times before and blowing in his mouth usually gets him going again. But not this time. He was limp, then stuff and had now clenched his jaw so tight we could not get it open! Thank goodness Ric was home, he took him from my arms and I could sense the panic from him as we both tried to get him breathing. He was unconscious. I ran to ring an ambulance, shaking, whilst my husband forced open the mouth of our 2 year old son and gave mouth to mouth resuscitation. I thought was dead. Whilst explaining what had happened to the emergency services I heard him cry and I felt relief. He was in Rics arms and we all stood and cried together. After a few moments, pale as a ghost, he stopped crying and slowly became like himself again. We took him for a drive in the car and tested his brain asking him lots if questions to check he had not had any damage to his brain. He was fine, happy and laughing again in the bath before bed. 

I know it sounds crazy but that was the scariest moment of my life and those 90 seconds or so from just a little fall whilst playing together could have taken my sons life.
I have never felt such a sense of the reality that we will live again with our families after this life, and I've never had such cause to reflect upon my own life and how I can improve it as a mother, wife and Latter-day Saint. I will try harder and appreciate the moments that I share with those around me that I love - I hope you will too :)