Wednesday 29 January 2014

Name change!

So I changed the name of my blog because when you googled jade's journal, it comes up with this….

And I don't have ANYTHING to do with alcohol or drugs!
So I changed the name to lemonade jade, I prefer lemonade to alcohol any day!


Ric served his mission in America and they love Mexican food there so I had go at making some salsa for him. 

I made it when the Elders were coming for dinner ( to remind them of home!!) and actually ended up making a complete fool of myself getting chilli in my eye when trying to put a little concealer on before they arrived and having to stand over the kitchen sink for 30mins whilst I cried and tried to soak my eyes in water! I was having a conversation with then from the kitchen sink and telling them all to eat up and apologising for my foolishness and hopefully it was worth it for some good tasting salsa! They said it was so here is my recipe to try for yourself :)

5 x tomato, deseeded and chopped into small chunks
1 x green chilli, dressed and chopped (be sure to wash your hands before rubbing your eyes!!)
Juice of 1 lime
1/2 white or red onion, chopped (which ever you prefer)
A handful of fresh coriander (cilantro if any American reads this and don't have a better recipe, but I'm sure you do and if so please share ;)

I love my Jamie Oliver knives, good knives are definitely worth investing in!

I find it easiest to add all the ingredients to a jug as it needs to be whizzed with a blender or put into a food processor. You can make it without one of these but you will need to do some super fine chopping and it might not have the same consistency, but it will still taste yum!

 And there it is, super easy, healthy and definitely worth buying some Doritos for!


Saturday 25 January 2014

Quiff man!

Wilson had a trip to the barbers this morning! He's had his hair cut by me before but I've only really cut random bits I could reach whilst he was in the bath so this was kind of a big deal!

This was taken yesterday and I realised that he definitely needed his hair cut so off he went to the barber shop with daddy! He looked so cute sat on Papa's knee (Wilson calls Ric Papa and me Mama - cute boy!), he was a little hesitant but the Elvis wannabe barber gave him a Postman Pat van and all was well!

The shop is a vintage stylee and the barber is pretty much obsessed with 'the quiff' - he even had newspaper articles about anyone with a quiff up on the walls! 

I love the result, Wils looks like a real handsome little man! So thank you Mr Presley man - we will be back!!

Wednesday 22 January 2014

My favourite 12 year old!

My baby sister Amber turned 12 yesterday. As members of our Church you can attend the temple when you turn 12 and we are so lucky to live close by to the Preston Temple - so last night we went together as a family :)

We had a lovely time together and did some special work on behalf of my grandad. 

       (Excuse my coat - it was raining!)

We actually ended up getting locked out of our house and had a long night and caused everything to be late for everyone, but Amber kept cool and patient and everyone had a lovely time. 

I made this cake for Amber! It's the first  birthday cake I've made and I'm happy to say thanks to my beautiful new mixer, it went well and I will forever more make my husband/children/siblings/anyone who wishes a birthday cake!

               This beauty in action!


Love Jade x

Monday 20 January 2014

Take a moment to stop

Some days I get a little impatient with Wilson. He will ask me to play choo choo's then gets frustrated when the train comes off the track or he will ask for something to eat and then not eat it etc, and I can find myself complaining in my head and thinking about the housework I could be getting done. But then I stop and think. These 2 years he has been around have gone so quickly and I'm sure the next 2 years will also, and I might forget his cute little ways of communicating because he can't speak fully yet, or the way he says "wow" to things as though they are so amazing! He is so full of fun and enjoys life, times when he doesn't are often because I won't allow! I love him and his excitable ways, I'm grateful to have such a happy, healthy, fun-loving little boy. So tonight when it seemed like we were playing a game of getting in then out of bed, I took a minute to think and enjoyed being able to cuddle him and watch him pretend to be asleep as he drifted off, to make me laugh, rather than getting annoyed that he wasn't exactly when I wanted him to be!
I hope that you will take a moment in times of frustration or upset, to think about what there is to be thankful for - there is always something!

            Saying Woooooow today!

Friday 17 January 2014

A Disney kinda Christmas

Belated post about our lovely trip to Disney from 20th - 23rd of December!

We set off at 2.30am and Ric and I were sooo excited! The kids were brilliant and slept the whole way!
         Elle ready to go meet Minnie!!

When we got to the park we went to our hotel, unloaded and off we went to the parks :) 
It was so cold but beautiful. It was dark so everything was lit up and so festive, like Christmas heaven! 

     Tired but worth the drive - loving it!

After we paid about £12 each for a burger and fries!! and watching an amazing firework display by Olaf! (LOVE Frozen!!!), we went back to the hotel and crashed! 

Next day was my little Wilsons 2nd birthday - cute boy had no idea! So we went on all the things that he would love and foolishly took him on a toy story ride which scared him, and I'm not surprised!!

We went to watch a car stunt show which he loved and went to planet Hollywood for tea!

Next day we queued for over an hour to meet Mickey Mouse, Wilson was star struck! 

We visited everything, too much to say and we really had such a lovely time, it was cold, quite wet and tiring but I loved it and I'm so thankful to my mum and dad for such an amazing Christmas present that we will never forget receiving !