Monday 20 January 2014

Take a moment to stop

Some days I get a little impatient with Wilson. He will ask me to play choo choo's then gets frustrated when the train comes off the track or he will ask for something to eat and then not eat it etc, and I can find myself complaining in my head and thinking about the housework I could be getting done. But then I stop and think. These 2 years he has been around have gone so quickly and I'm sure the next 2 years will also, and I might forget his cute little ways of communicating because he can't speak fully yet, or the way he says "wow" to things as though they are so amazing! He is so full of fun and enjoys life, times when he doesn't are often because I won't allow! I love him and his excitable ways, I'm grateful to have such a happy, healthy, fun-loving little boy. So tonight when it seemed like we were playing a game of getting in then out of bed, I took a minute to think and enjoyed being able to cuddle him and watch him pretend to be asleep as he drifted off, to make me laugh, rather than getting annoyed that he wasn't exactly when I wanted him to be!
I hope that you will take a moment in times of frustration or upset, to think about what there is to be thankful for - there is always something!

            Saying Woooooow today!

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